
  1. How to Safely Improve a Young Footballer’s Heading Technique

    How to Safely Improve a Young Footballer’s Heading Technique
    Heading in football has been something of a hot topic in recent years. Things came to a head this year when the FA published new guidelines on the issue.  But despite the new rules, heading is still part and parcel of the game. And you can practice and improve this vital skill safely and in line with the FA’s guidance. ...
  2. A Guide to the FA's New Heading Guidelines

    A Guide to the FA's New Heading Guidelines
    The football world stood up and took notice when the verdict of the 2002 inquest into the death of former England striker Jeff Astle was handed down. “Death by industrial disease” was the opinion of the coroner, and for the first time ever, a legal link between heading in football and long-term brain injury was established.  Astle was just 59...

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